The Best Books to Get You Through a Messy Divorce

The healing journey from divorce doesn’t end with signed paperwork.

Friends, family, or therapists can help provide the support that is so direly needed for you to heal and move on after a divorce. But there is still more healing to do; there is still reflection and meditation that seems never-ending. Seems like with so much to take into account in looking at your life there is more to be assessed. In this period, can there be “too much” reflection? Likely not, so long as you are seeking to continue to live your best life. That’s where picking up a book meant to help you on your post-divorce journey. This list of nine books can help you cope through what could be the most difficult (and messiest) period of your life.

From the classic Spiritual Divorce by Debbie Ford, a New York Times Bestseller, to books focusing on high conflict divorce as well as heartbreak and boundaries, the book list on Oprah Daily gives suggestions on books that can help heal.

Here’s to your healing journey.