Strong legal after the fact.
While the respect of a ruling is important, it is equally important for us to make sure trials are conducted fairly and in line with the law. We know when justice has not been served in the family courts, and we have the tools to correct it.
When a family court proceeding is not conducted properly or yields an unjust result, there are procedures in place to remedy the situation. Our law allows appeals to be made to the rulings based on faults in one or more of a few specific aspects of the proceeding. This can include inappropriate interpretation of an established law, the ruling misapplied the facts of the case, the Court exceeded its authority or discretion, one party withheld material information they were under a duty to provide and a litany of other discrepancies.
Our lawyers are acutely sensitive to breeches in the law. We do not hesitate to go forward with an aggressive appeals strategy to fix your situation so you aren’t stuck with a faulty decision by the Court – we have your back.